Histoire secrète de la Cour internationale de Justice

The Secret History of the International Court of Justice
(Die geheime Geschichte des internationalen Gerichtshofs)

or Journey into the Most Detestable and Suffering Unprecedented:
Surviving Government's Clandestine Operations and the International Court of Justice

Lawrence C. Chin
copyright © 2011 - 2023

Welcome to the most complained about, and most widely detested, website in the history of the Internet. (This, thanks to the tireless work of a group of women, with the help and under the direction of an operational team from the US Department of Homeland Security, since 2011. See below.)

This site, so far, is meant to host my memoir chronicling my experience as a piece of evidence in a most vicious court battle in the International Court of Justice which started as China versus the United States, then the United States versus Russia, and ended with France versus Russia. The entire memoir, when finished, is supposed to detail the whole story from my experience in Montreal, Canada, in 2005, through the commencement of the court case in November 2007, until its latest episodes (dismissal in late 2010 and attempted reactivation afterwards).

Volume One only covers this story until the first stage of the court case which ended in February 2008, while Volume Two finishes up the second stage where China was convicted in the ICJ as a terrorism-sponsoring state and subjected to heavy sanctions in the UN Security Council, and its foreign intelligence service (Ministry of State Security) taken over by the United States. Following Volumes One and Two, Volumes Three through Five will document the United States' initiation of the same court case against Russia in mid-2008, Russia's loss and redemption, France's involvement, Russia's victory over France, and the eventual dismissal of the whole court case in late 2010. Volumes Six and Seven, still in outline forms, are supposed to document the attempts by a group of women, since 2011, to suppress this website and put me in jail, how they acted as informants against me for the Department of Homeland Security, and how a second trial started over me as a result in the International Court of Justice. All this takes place, furthermore, in order to prevent the CIA from reactivating the first International Court of Justice trial.

I do not want to mislead my audience with the title of this work. It does not narrate how the International Court of Justice came to be established, but rather chronicles a single case in the World Court, a massive case which has lasted, intermittently, for more than ten years (although officially dismissed in late 2010), and which you will never hear about in the public domain because this trial has been conducted in utmost secrecy. Although you will never be able to confirm the existence of this most confidential case, you should however keep in mind something which the Freudian Jacques Lacan has once said: "Don't forget that one day you will give what I'm now writing as the subject for a thesis."

I currently (2011 - 2023) reside somewhere in the United States.

Now a series of warnings hoping to at least entertain you:

As of late 2020/ early 2021: Please be aware that I have been on the US Department of Homeland Security's watchlist as a politically dangerous schizophrenic since 2007, and I'm currently still classified by Homeland Security's clandestine service as a schizophrenic terrorist and serial stalker operating internationally, although this classification is considered invalid by all other intelligence and law enforcement agencies in the US and around the world (except in Russia). You must take note of this because anyone who has seen this Homeland Security classification of me would immediately lose interest in anything I have to say. Discrediting me and making me into the most detested person in the history of humankind has been partly the function of this classification.

As of late 2021: Please also note that the group of women in question (with their large community of volunteers and under the direction of Homeland Security) regularly obtain copies of my files (often directly from my backup cloud accounts and even from my computers' HDs) and use them to create fake versions of my writings, websites, and accounts in order to make it look like I have plagiarized everything I ever wrote or created them with fraudulent means or was given them by the CIA or what not. Only the materials you see here are authentic.

As of April 2022: The possibility has lately come to my attention that the group of women in question and their Homeland Security helpers might have already got the super computer that is interfaced with the chips inside my brain to simulate all my future thoughts and thereby print out in advance all the writings I will ever write in the future, i.e. all the Secret History chapters that I have not yet written at this point. If so, it's not clear whether they plan to distribute these. If they do, then, as I continue to write, other people might have already obtained a copy of my future chapters before I shall have finished writing them. In view of this, I thus continue to write only so that I can eventually also possess a copy of all my future writings just like everyone else and thereby become equal to everyone else. (For the group of women in question and their Homeland Security helpers will certainly instruct everyone to never share with me all my future writings which I have not yet written. This, so that I can waste years of my life recreating something that has already existed just in order to achieve equality with everyone else -- and thus be prevented from using my time and intelligence to do something positive for the world which no one else can do. For, as my former professor once said: "We all have to work hard to make sure we contribute nothing original and positive to the world but only add much junk that is already ubiquitous."

As of June 2022: You should take notice of law enforcement's repeated search of my website account under the request of the group of women in question, usually to obtain the hidden files such as the latest diaries.

As of late June 2022: The possibility has lately come to my attention that the group of women in question and their Homeland Security helpers are going to circulate fake versions of the Secret History chapters you see here, and also forge recordings showing me saying the most disgusting racist and sexist things that I would never say. Again, only the writings and recordings you see here are genuine.

As of December 2022: On 06.12.2022, with the authorization from law enforcement, the group of women in question sent in an agent to my room to burglarize one of my external hard drives. They extracted almost 3 TB of data, including all the writings I had ever done up to that date and most of the recordings I have ever made of my life. They had the permission from law enforcement to keep the data for themselves and it's expected that they would have been sharing all my writings (drafts, older versions, notes, and everything else) with their million audiences from the around the world or making alterations and fake versions in order to convince everyone that I have never written my writings. (Ant it's not known what codes and viruses they might have inserted into my hard drive.) Again, only the versions you see here are the true versions.

This need in fact hardly be said because, ever since this website was set up 11 years ago, there have never been visitors whose purpose it is to read my writings. People only come to complain or seek incriminating evidence. People who actually want to read my writings don't come to my website but would simply work with the group of women in question to steal them from my hard drives or online accounts and then set up their own website to share them, violating my intellectual property rights in the most blatant fashion.

As of January 2023: On 02.01.2023, Homeland Security and the group of women in question sent in agents again to burglarize my backup device in order to obtain the chapters currently being written (Poisonous Friends, Long; Ying and Yang - Newly Revised Version; TimelinePart-VIII - Rewrite; and Objection) as well as the December Diary (in various stages of composition). It's expected that they will soon put forward completed (fake) versions of these chapters before I ever finish writing them (the December Diary excluded) so that everyone can finally be totally convinced that I never wrote my writings - that I have merely plagiarized my autobiography from other people. (Again, I write solely in order to find out what I'm going to write, not so that anyone might read my writings.)

Then, on 03.01.2023, per the requirement of Homeland Security and their community of volunteers, one has to turn in one's MacBook to the Apple store for repair. This MacBook contains all my writings, screenshots, and (some) recordings from June 2020 until November 2022. In this way Homeland Security, the group of women in question, and their community of volunteers would be in possession of the remaining materials from me which they have not been able to get hold of. (And there is also 19 GB of stuff which they have in late 2021 remotely downloaded onto this MacBook and which they have then in February 2022 remotely deleted in order to prevent me from discovering it.) Such is the end of my intellectual career.

As of late January 2023: We shall of course take for granted the likelihood that Homeland Security, the group of women in question, and their community of volunteers have already installed all kinds of spyware on my computers in order to know every single word I type on it -- besides possessing all my data already. The saddest part of my life is that I'm trying to tell a story which no one wants told -- that what I'm writing here is the biggest secret in human history: and yet it is the biggest secret not because of the nature of the secret itself but because too many powerful people (principally the Russian government and Homeland Security) have already lied about it -- that this trial has never existed and this guy has never written but has only plagiarized -- so that, by writing, I'm exposing them as liars. Thus I must be discredited (diagnosed as a schizophrenic and framed for "stalking" and "plagiarism" and a whole host of other grotesque crimes) in order to not expose liars as liars.

As of mid-February, 2023: The latest Homeland Security operation on me seems to consist in this. After they have got some of the "women victims" to plagiarize portions of my Thermodynamic Interpretation of History and then accuse me of plagiarizing from them, they then send my double around to impersonate me and threaten professors around the world with an advertisement of my academic writings. People will then believe that this guy, after he has plagiarized from his women victims, then threatens professors around the world believing that he can in this way draw attention to these plagiarized works of his and be thought of by others as a magnificent scholar. (Somehow he has this sick dream of becoming a great intellectual in order to deny his stupidity and schizophrenia.) Please note that, as my academic writings increasingly acquire a disgusting reputation around the world in this way, these concern the 18 year-old "The Path Toward Scientific Enlightenment" and not the "Secret History" you see here (which has acquired its infamy in another way).

It would seem that, from 24.07.2023 onward, there has emerged another fake website (a fake "Secret History") to attribute to me. (Guess who have done it?) It would seem that the perpetrators have simply grabbed the chapters from here and then reposted them on the new fake website purposely rearranging them and mixing them up with garbage so that this "Secret History" can look like some mumble jumble word salads befitting the plagiarizing schizophrenic that everyone says I am. (They are certainly convincing the world that this fake "Secret History" they have created IS my real website, not this one here.) I thus have to emphasize again there is no genuine reading except here, and I remind you that, given Homeland Security's classification of me as this "T" thing, nobody ever bothers to respect my intellectual property rights.

A NOTE ABOUT THE LITERARY GENRE "CONSPIRACY THEORIES": This narrative, "The Secret History of the ICJ", belongs to the literary genre "conspiracy theories" (CT). CT is defined as that particular perspective on world events (political, etc.) and world phenomena (UFO, etc.) which encompasses the Weird, the Strange, the Alternative, etc., and which has been a particular outgrowth of Western, or Westernized, cultures: the "counter-culture". The author pleads that you look at this story, though so seriously toned (in the sense that he is, as an imperfect being, surely convinced of its truthfulness), in the same way in which you look at varied eccentricities from Alex Jones to James Corbett to UFO enthusiasm: i.e. the "spicy in a culture" whose mainstay is the boring, polite, and restrained formalities you get from governments' websites and mainstream news. This notice is appended because any reader who, upon absorbing this website's content with author's thanks and appreciation, decides to use it to accuse the actual personages, public or private, identifiable in the crimes and misdeeds herein described, will have done so in divergence from the author's intention and with his condemnation. The narrative is as "unofficial" as is any conspiracy theorist's "unofficial" biography of Senior Bush or Queen of England: it has no legal force of whatever kind until enough official confirmation or legally valid evidences from third party sources should emerge one day. This story, as an imperfect personal testimony, is intended, at present, as "spicy in a culture" -- a "counter-culture product" -- for author's own catharsis and pleasures in enlightening others as to different ways of looking at the same things. So far, nothing more, or less, than a "literary genre".

A broken link means "secret" (not for public viewing). In such cases, add "-" (either to the file itself or to the folder or to both) or do just the opposite or do double.

Volume One

Part One: Introduction to the world of clandestine operations and its hermeneutics

Part Two: The conviction of China in the International Court of Justice

Images and files referred to in Volume One

Volume Two

Images and files referred to in Volume Two

Volume Three

Part Three: The conviction of Russia in the International Court of Justice

Files referred to in Volume Three

Volume Four

Portions of the files referred to in Volume Four

Volume Five

Part Four: The conspiracy in the International Criminal Court

Files referred to in Volume Five

Volume Six

Part Five: The Secret Society women and the International Court of Justice

From this point on (Volume Six and Seven) the narrative deals with the industrial-scale effort by a group of women since 2011 to ban this website and report me as a terrorist, all under the direction of Homeland Security's clandestine operational team and in cooperation with the Russian intelligence service, as a way to prevent the CIA from reactivating the previous ICJ trial. In the process, the said Homeland Security team has had to initiate a second trial over me in the International Court of Justice while the said women have turned this website into the most complained about website in the history of the Internet. A consequence is that this website has become the website most visited by government departments, security agencies, and law enforcement agencies. For a preview, see this list of "most notable visits".

The reconstructions here are of both good and bad qualities. Where the operations of the group of women are badly reconstructed, the document is marked with (x). Where the relationship to the reactivation of the International Court of Justice trial is badly theorized, it is marked with (y). Reconstructions of good quality are unmarked.

APPENDIX: Diaries of Targeting (to assist in the comprehension of Timelines)

Volume Seven

The third International Court of Justice trial over the suspect

Volume Eight

Truce between the CIA and the SVR and the Secret Society women in the wilderness, 2018 - 2019

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
  • E.
  • F.
  • G.

Volume Nine

The CIA's reactivation, at last, of the International Court trial, 2020 - 2023

APPENDIX: Diaries of Targeting (to assist in the comprehension of Timelines)

Take note of hidden file folders: /2011/, /2012/, /2012b/, /2013/, /2014/, /2015/, /2016/, /2017/, /2018/, /2019/, /2020/, /2021/, /2022/, /2023/, /AK/, /angelicatro/, /backup/, /conclusionrev10-2/, /cut/, /drB/, /drG/, /drM/, /drP/, /e1/, /FFCHS/, /imp_documents_5/, /manuscripts/, /meetup/, /myrecentpics/, /NewDxxxxxx-2021-2022/, /NewDxxxxxx-2023/,/oliver/, /policereport100815/, /readings/, /roach/, /rod/, /testdaf/, /timeline9/, /timeline23/, /timelinepartII-N/, /timelinepartII-r/, /troresponse-/, /usc/, /wes/, /whitememorial/, /wounds-b/.

Some letters

Summaries and blog postings

The followings are other summaries I have in the past written about the ICJ trial and blog postings associated with Volume Six. These old summaries are all plagued by gross inaccuracies. There are provided here as references only. Please do not take them seriously.

Some of my postings on Internet forums

Further Readings

This work, from its draft form until the present completed form, has been continually copyrighted at the Library of Congress since 2008. The registration record can be seen here.


For comments, etc., please do email me at

Site set up since May 13 2011. Continually updated. Please come back often.

My other site
The Owl Academy | The Path toward Scientific Enlightenment | The Owl Gallery