Ου γαρ εστιν κρυπτον εαν μη ινα φανερωθη,
ουδε εγενετο αποκρυφον αλλ'ινα ελθη εις φανερον.

Mark 4. 22


It has been said that Homer's “Iliad” may properly be named “The Wrath of Achilles”. This story of mine may in the same way be properly named “The Wrath of [A Former Secretary of the United States Department of Homeland Security]”. To speak plainly about this story's subject matter, it is a story of a drawn out court battle at the International Court of Justice between the leading intelligence agencies of the United States, China, Russia, and France, a court battle in which I have been the main piece of evidence. This story is about the struggle between lies and truth – the horrifying consequence of telling the truth without thinking in a world where people, per the generosity of a great government, are only supposed to believe in the opposite of reality. It is above all a story about a scandal, the greatest scandal in the history of intelligence agencies and international relations: the legal faulty conviction of China as a terrorism-sponsoring state based on imaginary evidences. Otherwise hyperbolic descriptives like “greatest”, “the most... in human history”, and “unprecedented in human history” will be perfectly suited to the following story in many of its aspects.

It is a long, and most painful, journey to tread from an insignificant failed life through being idiotically labeled a “terrorist suspect” and then being eyed for something by an elite intelligence agency to being falsely labeled again firstly as a politically dangerous schizophrenic and then as a “multinational criminal and perverted foreign agent who is not even himself but only pretending to be himself”. Then, after that, to be slandered as a violent delusional criminal and violent delusional psychopathic stalker –and forced to become such, physically, through the US government's latest mind-control technology. The result is to have become the person most slandered in the history of humankind. Never before in the history of humankind has so much falsehood been manufactured about a single person to such a large audience. Never before in the history of humankind has a government spent so much resources playing pranks on a single person: after six years of investigation, surveillance, sting operations, and clandestine operations, the US government alone – not to mention a host of other governments around the world – has by November 2010 spent more than two billion dollars on me already. Not to count two more years after that.

This story – in the first half at least, before it takes an unexpected turn toward a certain “Mexican disaster” – is about the most deadly disease in the universe, the wrath of [that former Secretary of DHS]: this disease will forever severe your ties with the rest of humanity through the most horrifying slander spread to the farthest corner of the earth, such that you must forever dwell in your unhappiness alone. It's also about the struggle with the minimum of resources against the greatest force of destruction in the world who has just about the entire planet at his disposal. It's also about a most twisted, vengeful, and vicious personality around, namely, that former Secretary of DHS. It's also a story about surveillance, from round-the-clock watching of every move you make to deliberate false watching of your moves here and there devised to erase your existence from the memory of humankind. This story – or rather the first half of it – is most of all a story about Americans, or rather about their dark side rarely known or seen by others, leur coté obscur. This story would describe to you how one of the most generous and most open-minded people on the planet could become one of the most deceptive people in human history and the most skillful in human history in cloaking their ill-intention behind a veil of kindness and smiles. This story, that is, is more generally a journey into the darkest side of the human psychic. It's lastly a story about how a most powerful person, that former Secretary of the DHS, devoid of substance, education, and intelligence but deeply jealous of anyone with intelligence and talent, devotes his life and the national resources at his disposal to the destruction of another person with such intelligence and talent but yet belonging to the lowest rank of society and the reduction of him to the lowest and most despicable life form imaginable. After all, intelligence, talent, and most importantly honesty are anathema to the form of power which his great government – the US government as transformed by neoconservatism – represents and therefore must be suppressed. It's finally a story about betrayal, how this darkest personality has orchestrated the betrayal by every single human being a person has ever met. This story in the end is a very sad story about how an insignificant failed life could have gotten so much worse to a point unprecedented in human history, almost ending up being erased altogether, not physically but worse, in the collective consciousness of humankind – and all through the mistakes and malice of others. And ultimately, it is about considering whether anger toward the aforementioned most horrifying disease in the universe is worth the effort at all – whether the personality so named is a moral agent toward whom anger or revenge is ever necessary just as one would not think of anger and blame toward a great white shark which has bitten off one's legs in the ocean.

And this is just the first half of the story, the story about how China was falsely convicted in the International Court of Justice in its lawsuit with the United States from November 2007 until August 2008, and then about how Russia was first falsely convicted similarly but then won the International Court of Justice by February 2010. This first half of story will reveal to you the national psyche of both China and Russia, the guilty complex, born from an inferiority complex, of the Chinese psyche which allowed China to be so thoroughly victimized by the neoconservative United States in the International Court of Justice after the slight wrong doing of its intelligence service, and the opposite psyche of the Russians who stood up against American aggression and fought like a dog in the International Court, without guilt, with every breath still available to it, and with utter ingenuity. The story is at the same time a critique of neoconservatism, a most profound philosophy of government through deception and hypocrisy. It is also a critique of the American people, of their mindless obedience to authority. For the answer to the question of how a people otherwise known to be the most open-minded and generous in the world could have become the most deceptive and hypocritical in history certainly lies in their easy gullibility by and cultivated obedience toward authority, contrary to the stereotype of the American people as a disobedient crowd who constantly question the authority. Perhaps Americans have at times been simply more degraded to the human levels than other peoples, as I shall here quote Nietzsche in Also sprach Zarathustra in regard to the first three characteristics of living beings:

Aber, wo ich nur Lebendiges fand, da hörte ich auch die Rede vom Gehorsame. Alles Lebendiges ist ein Gehorchendes

Und dies ist das Zweites: Dem wird befohlen, der sich nicht selber gehorchen kann. So ist es des Lebendigen Art.

Dies aber ist das Dritte, was ich hörte: dass Befehlen schwerer ist, als Gehorchen. Und nicht nur, dass der Befehlende die Last aller Gehorchenden trägt, und dass leicht ihn diese Last zerdrückt.”

But wherever I found living beings, there I also heard the talk of obedience. All living beings are obeying beings.

And this is the second: he will be commanded, who cannot obey himself. Such is the nature of living beings.

And this is the third thing which I heard: that commanding is harder than obeying. And not only because the commanding one carries the burden of all the obeying one, but also because this burden easily crushes him.”

The story is at last meant to introduce you to my psychology – the truly unfortunate struggle of a Borderline Personality Disorder, who lacked social skills and judgment to begin with, against clandestine operations from the best intelligence agencies from around the world – and the etiology of my disease – how I have become without doubt the greatest recorder in the history of humankind, a person who has attempted to record and document every single second of his life for several years by now. How, in the destitute and utter loneliness left by the complete destruction of his social life and his relation to machines through these clandestine operations, this Borderline Personality has felt the need to record and videotape the twilight zone which the intelligence agencies produced as his environment, his suffering thereby, and all the operations and secret agents and actors and actresses which made up his entire life. This story of mine traces for you the development of an unprecedented form of mental illness in response to dealing with the latest form of intelligence operations – the kind which envelopes your entire environment, everyone you meet and every machine you touch: how I have been reduced in the end (by the beginning of 2011) to a sort of autistic and nervous recording freak responding with nervous breakdown and with resumed self-mutilation behavior to every instance of computer malfunctioning. Adding to this my original lack of social skills and social judgment – how do I, in my current shape, communicate, with any sort of credibility, to the available, but mostly indifferent, human ears the pain and suffering I have gone through after four full years of clandestine operations? The operations I want to describe to you are simply so bizarre, and yet so complex – it doesn't seem to matter that I have recorded and videotaped it all since 2008: who has the time to listen to and watch thousands and thousands of hours of audio recordings and videos of the strange happenings? How do I bring this vast amount of material to those who would pay a bit of attention after I shall have spent years indexing these?

I have lived a failed and miserable life. I have been a social failure. A worthwhile thing I have done is to have once written a book to enlighten people about what enlightenment is (The Path toward Scientific Enlightenment). Now I write this book also to make you wiser about the political life in which you are unconsciously immersed and the game of deception of which you have always unawares been the victim. You will learn at once, for example, that you have been thoroughly misled as to the nature of the intelligence business. If we take the Central Intelligence Agency's clandestine service as an example – one of the central dramatis personae in the following narrative: ever since the 911 attacks in New York and Washington a myth has been perpetuated in the media that the Agency's main purpose has been to fight terrorism. In reality, the Agency's clandestine service's main goal has never changed, namely, covert operations at home to take down those deemed a threat to the Agency's secrecy and abroad to cause, without the world's knowing, instability and dissent in the foreign nation states with which the United States was in competition, and the nature of its personnel – most prominently, attractive females – would hardly be what ordinary people could imagine based on the myth with which they have been fed. Terrorism has in fact always been a low priority in Agency's task list. Most of the news and information available about the Agency in the public domain have in fact been put forward as smoke screen and illusion to divert attention away from what the Agency was really about. What these mythic entities – the intelligence agencies from around the world – were once really like is one of the things that you will learn from this story of mine.

And let me tell you at once: there can be no entity more mythical and unreal in the world than the Russian foreign intelligence service SVR, the best in the world. In the first part of this story, the Russian intelligence figures as the blameless protagonist, fighting for justice for themselves and saving the world and humanity from the horrifying evil plan of the neoconservatives. Unlike the Chinese intelligence, who has had at least blemishes, and very much unlike the Central Intelligence Agency, which treads on the borderline of morals due to its cultish narcissism. Not to mention the clandestine units of the Department of Homeland Security, which are composed entirely of thugs. But this is why the second part of this story is very sad and disappointing. It chronicles the disastrous history of the project to rewrite the evidentiary record of this ICJ trial in order to dismantle the traditional antagonism between East and West, where, as soon as the Russians invited a Mexican royal to be part of their team, they got stabbed in the back by him, such that they would have to betray me, abandon me, torture me, and betray everyone else simply for the sake of survival. All their geniuses notwithstanding, the Russians have not known about the dangers of making friends with Mexican royals, it seems.

By the time you are reading this, when the battle at the International Court of Justice has mostly settled down at last, I really would not be able to tell you anymore what the primary tasks of the Agency or the Russian SVR would be. Because of this court battle, nations have come so much closer to each other, and no intelligence agency has any more secrets hidden from the other major intelligence agencies. Neither could I imagine the Agency plan any more covert operations in China or Russia to cause instability and political fragmentation therein. This story tells the end of the intelligence business as we have known it (or as we have not known it). This story will bring human faces upon the intelligence officials of the United States, China, and Russia who have usually been hidden from view. It will be a narrative history analyzing what these very human figures might do under pressures and bait – especially the American and Chinese intelligence officials – and a criticism of the unreality and formalism of the Western model of justice as the Court of Laws. You will be surprised by the truly humanness of either the grand figures of politics or the hidden figures of the intelligence world. And you will be surprised to learn that, in the end, the best guys were found in the unlikely camp, namely among the Russians.

The rest are however ambiguous, nothing but cases of Borderlines. This story of mine chronicles my ambiguous relationship with the Agency – in my status as the longest running target of its clandestine service. In the beginning I loved them for their beauty and goodness; and then I hated them for their lying and cheating and framing of the innocents; and in the end I loved them again and wanted to save them with all I got. The Agency's moral status is also characterized by the borderline and the ambiguous in this narrative. You will see here both their good side and their dark side. I'm myself a case of the Borderline. The thoroughly “bad guy” here is Mr former Secretary of the DHS and the thoroughly “good guy” is the Russian intelligence, while the other main characters – myself and the Agnecy – are cases of the borderlines.

But ultimately this story is a story also about the uneasy partnership between the Agency and the neoconservatives. Since the 1980s the Central Intelligence Agency and the neoconservatives had developed a tremendous mutual dislike of each other, and the former had been at war with the administration when the neoconservatives seized power in 2001. By the time my narrative begins in 2006, the Agency had already succumbed to the political supremacy of the neoconservative force, and the lawsuit over me in the International Court in late 2007 had only furthered this submission. Yet, in the end, when the Agency was facing total destruction in face of the Russians' fighting back in the International Court during the beginning of 2010, it made the right decision in accepting a Russian offer and defecting to the Russian side, severing its partnership with Mr former Secretary and his neoconservative cliques and thus preserving itself for the coming new era.

At the outset I will of course have to warn you that the following will not be an easy narrative to understand. Only a minority of the human population will be able to understand this narrative completely. This work is written only for a marginalized portion of humanity and a small number of “experts” while it will for sure be dismissed by the majority of people if they should ever lay eyes on portions of it for long. Indeed, only the very bright and the very open-minded will be able to learn something from the extraordinary experience of an otherwise social failure and nervous freak who everyday finds life unmanageable. If truth is something which is accessible to anyone, then there wouldn't be in our vocabulary the distinction between “wisdom” and “common sense”. That truth will always be beyond the comprehension of the majority of the people is one of the major reasons why a terrifying philosophy of government like neoconservatism could have flourished and the principle upon which it has been based could have found justification. Namely, the thinking of the elites that, since ordinary people will never understand what the government is doing even if you explain it to them, you might as well deceive them with sweet dreams so that they won't interfere with our big business and grand plans – which in the end however are really only good for the elites themselves.

Need I remind you that this story you are holding in your hand is a true story? Of course, by the time you read this story, as said, the dust of the battle at the International Court will have mostly settled and the relationship between the United States and the Western world in general on one side and Russia on the other, and between the United States and China, will all have been normalized, as if this most vicious court battle in the history of humankind had never happened – all this again thanks, it seems, to the effort of the Russian Prime Minister with the help of the judges of the International Court. For the elites, this story has a happy ending, how the Russians forgave all the Western powers which had wronged them on simply the condition that they keep their past sphere of influence, the formerly Soviet states which the West had before this tried to grab away from Russia. What's more important is that those who have access to the evidentiary record of the International Court may find several versions of the lawsuits, and yet none of the versions are like the version that is told here – unless you have access to the evidnetiary record pure and simple. If you have ever seen me in person, you would perhaps not believe that someone like me could have been so targeted by the intelligence agencies from around the world. I have always looked so utterly inconspicuous and even retarded, ungifted in the confidence needed to establish the credibility and worthiness of my words in the eyes of others. I have just told you: now the matter is made worse after my emotional constitution has been made weaker by the trauma and I look ever more unfit. I must first tell you that I am just this kind of a paradoxical creature, a person with enormous talent in one domain and yet completely disabled in other aspects of ordinary life. I have great analytical and literary talent – not to mention artistic – but am absolutely an emotional mess in the rest of my life, a “drama queen” as my best friend has called my Borderline constitution. Such kind of composition is not unusual among artists and intellectuals. In retrospect I can tell you that the Agency's clandestine service has made a grave mistake in coming to me thinking that they could exploit this paradoxical nature on my part for their benefit. They thought they could use my talent for their operation in China while exploiting my crazy look with the lack of credibility it entailed in order to keep the operation in utter secrecy. Thus they would run into the greatest disaster in their history and become partner of the devil throughout 2008 and 2009 in order to protect themselves. They simply should not have coveted someone with severe personality disorder and emotional instability no matter how ingenious this person was in some other respects of life which were of value to them, namely, intuition and intellect. (As you read through the following story you will come to see what I am talking about here.) I should remind you secondly of this, that my tremendous nervous tension is precisely the result of all these years of suffering intelligence operations, just as you should not disbelieve the story of abuse which a nervous freak tells you he or she has gone through simply because he or she looks all nervous and is breaking down. He or she is not making up a story of abuse or imagining it out of his or her head as a function of his or her nervousness: his or her nervousness and mental disarray are precisely and rather the function of the abuse he or she is telling you about and you should not doubt it.

Now it might be in order to give a summary of the complex subdivisions of this work such as I currently project it. This “memoir” of mine – Journey into the Most Detestable and Suffering Unprecedented: Surviving Government's Clandestine Operations and the International Court of Justice – shall be made up of many smaller writings. The sequence in which the various writings shall be ordered and read as a single whole – in four main parts, however – is like this. Volume One should contain (1) “The subhuman and the masseuse: Feefee and Valerie”; then (2) “ My experience with the FBI, the CIA, and the Department of Homeland Security: A horrible lesson”; (plus “Addenda to 'My experience...'”), documenting my years from 2005 to the end of 2007; then (3) “Government's investigation of a schizophrenic: Clarifications as to what happened to me in 2007” (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3); these together would constitute Part One, Introduction into the world of clandestine operations and its hermeneutics. On the personal side this Part One would chronicle how I was mistakenly labeled a “terrorist suspect” while engrossed in an obsession episode in Montreal, how I then entered the notice of the Agency after returning to California, how the Agency then came into serious conflict with the Department of Homeland Security, and how the Department tried to cover up the mistakes made on me and the interagency rivalry by orchestrating a fake investigation of me as a schizophrenic who had imagined up the scenario that I was mistakenly investigated by the FBI, sought for by the Agency, and suffering vengeance by the DHS.

Then comes Part Two, The conviction of China in the International Court of Justice, beginning with (4) “How I have been made into a different person, Part I: China and Europe”, documenting my beginning experience as the “evidence” in the International Court of Justice from December 2007 to February 2008. It describes how, to escape the devastating Homeland Security “investigation” and “alerts”, I flew to China in late December 2007, how the then Secretary of Homeland Security, out of negligence, told the Chinese intelligence the same falsehood about me saying I was a schizophrenic who had imagined up my story, how the Chinese intelligence (the Ministry of State Security) discovered that I was telling the truth and was no schizophrenic, how they then sued the United States in the International Court of Justice (starting in November 2007) for violating international laws about the proper sharing of information about terrorist suspects, and how the Chinese intelligence began losing the lawsuit by February 2008. This much writing would make up the first volume of the following massive memoir of mine, which is at the same time a piece of document on an episode of the secret history of the International Court of Justice. This preface is the preface to this first volume.

Following that, and beginning the second volume, is (5) “How I have been made into a different person, Part II: Karin's meetups”, documenting my experience from February to September 2008. It chronicles how Mr Secretary of DHS and the Agency recruited every single person in my life to orchestrate a “twilight zone” to envelope me so as to create faulty evidence showing something like I was a schizophrenic secret agent of China, a twin brother of myself pretending to be myself a terrorist suspect in order to get the United States fraudulently sued, plus all the other criminal stuff such as an adherent to Nazism, a pedophile, a plagiarizer, a sex-maniac, an identity fraud, etc. With these faulty evidences he and the Agency were then able to falsely convict China in the International Court of Justice by August 2008 of defrauding international justice and sponsoring terrorism around the world, and take over completely the Chinese intelligence service plus many portions of the Chinese government itself. This episode of my experience in Karin's meetups will finish the narrative of the Conviction of China in the International Court of Justice, and is therefore where Part Two ends. It is from this point on that the events which I narrate in this story begin to be supported by audio recordings. I have begun recording my interactions with others – and the operations around me – since February 2008.

Then Part Three shall recount the episode of The conviction of Russia in the International Court of Justice. It shall contain several narratives: (6) “On the periphery of Karin's meetups”, which documents my absolutely lonely existence from September 2008 to March 2009. During this time, I had already been thrown out of Karin's meetups, I had no socialization, the lawsuit between the United States and Russia had begun in earnest, and I had had to endure the mental torture of my twilight zone environment in absolute solitude. Although Russia had withdrawn from the lawsuit in March 2008, the DHS' then Secretary proceeded to sue Russia in September 2008, with the backing of the Agency, after the case with China had been won. He was still trying to perpetuate the same lies and frauds in the International Court of Justice that I was a twin brother of myself and an agent of Russia as well, plus all the other criminal things. By March 2009, Russia was finally falsely convicted by Mr former Secretary of DHS with the help of the Agency in the International Court of Justice. (7) “Fruitless lawsuit and unconsidered petitions”: herewith “Civil case 3:09-CV-01379-JL” with its Complaint, “Letter of Petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights” (aforementioned), and “Supplemental Pleadings”. The writings from “Supplemental Pleadings” onward are supposed to document my fight to help Russia take back its intelligence service during the time from March 27 until August 10 2009. The next narrative, (8) “How to own the world in seven months”, itself has two parts, “Nicaragua and the completion of a 'mission'”, documenting the first half of a “conspiracy” in the International Court of Justice against Russia from August 10 2009 when I flew to Nicaragua to December 31 2009, and then “The world of the pyramids”, documenting the second half of the “conspiracy” from January 1 until February 12 2010 when Russia at last won over the International Court of Justice. This part of the story chronicles how the scenario which Mr former Secretary of DHS and the Agency were arguing in the International Court – that China and Russia and I were running a conspiracy against the United States by both nations' recruiting me a twin brother of myself to pretend to be myself as a way to get the United States sued in the International Court – turned into its opposite allowing Russia to win the lawsuit – that the Agency and I were running a conspiracy against Russia by my pretending to be my non-existent twin brother pretending to be myself when I was really just myself and had no twin brother at all, all in order to help the United States fraudulently convict Russia of a crime which it had never committed. The final portion of this narrative is preoccupied with the incredibly ferocious battle between Russia and France in January 2010 for world-domination when the French intelligence service DGSE came to defend America's neoconservative clique after the CIA had lost and defected to the Russian side – a battle where France eventually lost and was forgiven by Russia. With the two narratives of “How to own the world in seven months” the story of Conviction of Russia in the International Court of Justice shall have come to an end. All the events I describe from Part Three onwards are fully supported by audio recording and videos because, from late 2008 onwards, I began recording myself round the clock, eventually even when I was sleeping, and began videotaping operations and secret agents whenever I suspected one.

Part Four of this grand narrative constitutes the second half of our story, where the Russian intelligence fell from its status as a blameless protagonist as soon as it decided to ally itself with a Mexican royal. It begins first of all with a narrative of the interlude period, (9) “The psychology of the Ying and the Yang and the fight over the one Pyramid”, which documents the Russians' failed plan to set me up with the named Mexican royal's daughter during the period between February and May 2010. After the Russians won the lawsuit in February 2010, they were able to manipulate the existing laws to allow them to create new evidences to replace older evidences and rewrite history, and for this purpose they decided to re-run the whole trial once more in order to produce a new version of the official story of the trial which would, while convicting the former DHS Secretary's neoconservative clique, also free up the CIA and the United States according to the new deal which the Russian Prime Minister had concluded with the Obama administration. The daughter of the Mexican royal and I, during the rerun, were supposed to play out the new evidentiary record (the new official story), but the Mexican royal – whose name is Buenrostro – would have none of this. The Russians made the mistake of allowing Mr Buenrostro, some sort of psychopath, to go into the International Court room to watch over his daughter, the “control center” where resided the thought-reading computer which read my thoughts as evidences. Mr Buenrostro then began developing plans of his own, and secretly reconfigured the thought-reading computer, so that, instead of reading my thoughts, the computer actually read the opposites of my thoughts. Mr Buenrostro then used these “fake thoughts of mine” to construct a false profile of me as an autistic and retarded violent schizophrenic rapist. (I shall not discuss his reasons here.) The Russians stopped him, but not before he had already caused a most important piece of evidence – something to do with my earlier thoughts – which had allowed Russia to win the trial back in February 2010 and take control of the world to become invalidated. The French DGSE's observers noticed this, and quickly came back, in late April 2010, to use the opportunity to object to Russia's February victory. If the French won, Russia would not only lose control of the entire world, but Russia itself would secretly fall under French control. Russia was now in a struggle for its life for the second time.

The story then continues with (10) “The Journey through the hell of the International Criminal Court: The creation of autism, Sonophobia, Hispanophobia, Electronicachreia, and Misopedia, and the foundation of the Macropsherians”, which documents my service once more as a piece of evidence in the International Criminal Court from May 2010 until early 2011 – the hardest time of my life. This narrative chronicles how, to fend off the French objection, the Russian Prime Minister denied Mr Buenrostro's tampering with court machines had happened and, to justify the denial, assembled experts to devise custom mental tortures for me in order to physically transform me into the degraded person of the profile which Mr Buenrostro had created of me. The transformation would result in my demise since I was supposed to be provoked by operations to get myself in troubles and arrested: since Mr Buenrostro had slandered me as violent and troublesome, I would have to be provoked through a long series of clandestine operations into a violent and troublesome individual, otherwise both Russia and the United States would fall under the command of the French and the neoconservative clique whom the French had come to save for a second time. As the transformation was doomed to fail and I was about to die before conforming to the false profile, more and more nations betrayed Russia by joining the French. Eventually, in late 2010, the Russians were able to find another way to save the trial, by force-feeding me with the knowledge of what had happened in the court room and framing me as a conspirator with the French to defraud the International Court.

At the end of this long narrative I shall append “The imaginary third run, the making of a subhuman, and the restoration of Prozess”, which briefly summarizes how, because the re-run of the trial had failed in 2010, the whole ICJ trial got dismissed and remained dormant, and I was remotely controlled like a robot through mind-control technology between 2011 and 2014 to get myself into a series of troubles – finally becoming entangled in another fake terrorism scandal and fake stalking case scandal – in order to cause the restoration of this ICJ trial. The restoration would accomplish all that was left undone during the second run, not just the rewriting of the evidentiary record, but also to bring all the crimes the West has committed against Russia and China in past decades, and what the conspiracy theorists have called the “New World Order”, into a final reckoning, rewrite their history, and lay the foundation of a “new New World Order”, where an universal alliance of all nations of the world would be formed to ward off the coming crisis of human civilization prefigured by Peak Oil. This time the entire planet would have to be involved in the rewriting of history, confusing the whole humanity, since no one knows that all the turmoils in the world between 2011 and 2014, from the Arab Spring to the Boston Marathon Bombing to the Snowden scandal, have been orchestrated or allowed to happen in order to either secretly pave the way for this “new New World Order” or to lead to the “restoration”. Unfortunately, for this process I would have to be sacrificed again through a series of the most bizarre mind-control torture, becoming a freak and a despicable criminal.

I must warn you however that, given the complexity of this story, you would find it almost impossible to understand it unless you read it from the beginning to the end. Cutting in on any part without knowledge of the prior narrative you will simply find the narrative incomprehensible. Key legal concepts such as the “law governing conspiracy” and techniques of evidence-production such as the “faulty surveillance Machine”, once explained in the beginning, would not be explained again, and all later narratives presuppose understanding of these key notions and technologies.

I'm aware of books of similar themes. I have read, for example, Albert Camus' L'etranger and Franz Kafka's Der Prozess. I have also read about Goethe's Werther, the melodramatic character who bears some resemblance to, although he is not the same sort of entity as, the Borderline Personality which would, since its first appearance in “The Subhuman and the Masseuse”, and then more and more so in the subsequent narratives, strike those unfamiliar with DSM-IV as overbearing, to say the least. When this preface was first put together in May 2011, I had read very few books on intelligence and espionage, however. I had read Gordon Thomas' Gideon's Spies, and Victor Cherkashin's Spy Handler, and I had just heard of Christopher Andrew's The Sword and the Shield just as I was rewriting this preface in May 2011. To this list I should also add the masterful Crossing the Rubicon by Michael Ruppert, although it is not a book on espionage and intelligence agencies, strictly speaking. The one story to which I would make reference throughout is however Homer's Iliad. This is because this book on the battle of the world's best intelligence agencies in the International Court of Justice tells a story like none of the “spy books” which I have just named, simply due to the fact that the technology of the “control center” has significantly changed the nature of intelligence operations in urban settings. The control center has rendered those politicians and intelligence officials with access to it into a sort of “post modern gods”, beings with the kind of power over ordinary human beings in exactly the same way in which the gods in Iliad have over the human beings fighting on earth. From the control centers those “post modern gods” can monitor every one of your movements and your locations and either direct agents and actors and actresses to your surrounding to frame you or to fool you, or remotely control the machines you are using at the time, even your own computer, even when your computer is not online and has the wireless card removed. The phenomenon of the “centralization of machines” under the control center is a major theme running through this story of mine from the beginning to the end. The secret agents nowadays, at least in the Western world, are not the individual supermen and superwomen as portrayed in the movies, but merely chess pieces remotely directed to move around the urban setting by the intelligence officials and bureaucrats hidden in the control center who can see from the monitors there every corner of society and from the massive computers there remotely control the behavior of every piece of electronic devices located in the society. Hermeneutics is the term by which I shall designate the inferential thinking which allows the target of the operations to deduce from the visible movement of the “chess pieces” and the visible abnormal functioning of machines in his environment a picture of the invisible politics and personalities hidden in the control center. The term came originally from Heidegger's phenomenology where hermeneutics means unearthing the forgotten or unnoticed structure of living (Dasein) from the everyday things which show themselves, and the use of hermeneutics in phenomenology is itself an extension from its original use in Biblical analysis to discover hidden meanings from reading the apparent wording of the plain text.

The one other book whose lessons lie hidden in the narrative of this book is Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Emile. As you shall see, the cause of the battle in the International Court which this story of mine narrates traces ultimately back to the attempt by the self-designated representative of neoconservatism Mr former Secretary of DHS to gain superiority in deception over the Agency. And yet you can find in Emile the roots of the technique of deception which both “schools” employ as their most essential tenet. As professor Nishiyama (SUNY Albany) has once pointed out to me, the Straussians – whose philosophy has formed the backbone of neoconservatism – have long argued that Emile was not really a book about education, but is esoterically a book of political philosophy. Rousseau professes that effective education should teach through concrete experience and should incite in the child the desire to know rather than simply stuff him with ready-made theoretical knowledge. And yet what he advocates is the manipulation of the child's environment – without his noticing it – in order to clandestinely feed the knowledge into his head and mold out in him that desire to know. In other words, education becomes a game of deception. By staging the child's environment, the educator would manipulate him to come to the conclusions of the educator as if he had come to the conclusions by himself. The neoconservatives have greatly admired the same sort of “education“ in politics, as for example when Roosevelt pushed the Japanese into a corner by cutting off oil supply to Japan and provoked them into attacking the United States. The people, like children, did not want war, not understanding, as the elites did, that it was America's destiny to fix the planet's problems, so the desire to want war would have to be skillfully instilled in them by having them watch the enemy attack their country out of the blue. The Agency's clandestine service's recruitment tactic works in the same way. Both “schools“ are about careful manipulation of what you see and what you hear – without your noticing that what you see and what you hear are carefully orchestrated by some unseen elites: lies often times – in order to mold your belief and your desire according to what the “elites“ want you to believe and desire. The Agency's function has been to deceive, the neoconservatives' pride has been to deceive, and both do the way as described in Emile. Putting up a show in order to deceive you – this story is about how this primary function of the Agency's Mr former Secretary of Homeland Security has somehow adopted and felt the need to master better than the originator – since that is what neoconservatism is supposed to be about anyway – and about how he eventually failed his dream.

I, with the English name of Lawrence Chang-Lung Chin and the Chinese name of 秦昌綸, was born in Taipei, Taiwan, on November 16 1969, a year and a half after my mother gave birth to my older brother, David Chin, on May 6 1968. This simple statement was at one time one of the most secretly controverted statements in the history of humankind. If it had not been for the wrath and lies of Mr former Secretary of Homeland Security, the life of this “Lawrence Chin” would have forever remained insignificant and uneventful enough as to be worth no mentioning, and certainly no biography. And yet, if Russia had not won the International Court trial in 2010, this life would not be believed by anyone as having occurred at all within the vast expanse of the universe. And after the Mexican royal's forgery, there would be a different version of this life coming out of the International Court's evidentiary record which is not the version which has actually occurred. The International Court of Justice has been and will always be my life. I have learned well that, in America, telling the truth will cause your excommunication from society as mentally insane while believing and telling lies will ensure you a label of normality and a place in society. This terrible situation may very well have in my case spread through the rest of the Western world to even what those in the “Free World” have been misled to believe to be bad “totalitarian places”, like China and Russia. That is, if you should ever, after reading this story, decide to call up all the intelligence agencies and government institutions named herein to verify it, you'll most likely get an answer that nothing I have described has happened at all. (People, strangely, somehow always believe that the intelligence agencies will tell them the truth on their websites or that the news about intelligence agencies found in the media will be true when everyone should know that the very trade of the intelligence business is to lie and cheat and hide what it is about.) Neither would you get a confirmation from the participants in the operations against me that are mentioned in the following story if you should ever identify them and find them, for it is their “duty” as informants and operatives to deny and to call me “nuts”. Only the elites of nations have access to the Court record against which the accuracy of my description may be measured – or rather the reverse, the accuracy of which they may assess by comparing it with my own description, for the evidentiary record of the International Court was filled with made up stories and artificially created stories about me. And yet I could never give up telling the truth about what happened in the International Court of Justice in my case, for the International Court of Justice has destroyed my life and the trauma I have suffered is simply too deep.


The Secret History of the International Court of Justice